Split-Ductless System Air Conditioning Installation Repair NJ

A Split-Ductless System May be the Solution to Your Heating or Cooling Problems

Today, finding the right balance of cooling and warmth in your home is often solved with the installation of a split-ductless system. Ductless heating and cooling systems are highly efficient and quiet when operating, unlike noisy window air conditioners which can rattle the windows and walls of your home when they turn on or off. Try sleeping through that.

Plus, window air conditioners are unsightly, detracting from your home’s beauty by blocking your view to the outside and the light coming in. They’re also incredibly inconvenient and frankly back-breaking, as they can weigh a ton and need to be removed every fall and reinstalled every summer. Sure, there was a time when lugging the old A/C units to the garage, the attic or basement was the only practical way to go. Fortunately, today’s ductless systems are permanent, unobtrusive and don’t block the windows.

At Stashluk, we often recommend split-ductless systems, and our ductless ac services are tailored to provide the best solutions for homeowners. These systems are particularly advantageous for older homes in the Summit, NJ area and other situations where traditional duct systems aren’t feasible. They eliminate the expensive labor and construction costs associated with retrofitting an older home with ductwork. Installation requires only a small hole in the interior wall of the room where the split-ductless heating and cooling system is mounted. Many homeowners prefer these systems because of their energy efficiency and the individualized room-by-room control they offer.

Split-Ductless Systems are Well-Suited for new and older Construction and Special Situations

Besides the obvious advantages of split-ductless system installation in older homes where there is no opportunity for fitting in conventional ductwork, split-ductless systems are a great solution for supplementing your heating and cooling system in any home. A split-ductless unit can be smoothly fit to new additions, basement playrooms and offices, garages, rooms above garages, apartments and other rooms where the home’s regular HVAC system falls short or isn’t available.

The thermostat controls in a split-ductless system can be set to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room where the system is installed. There is no longer reason for family members to bicker over thermostat control because a split-ductless heating and cooling system creates an independent temperature zone in each room where it’s installed, distributing air within that room much more efficiently than a traditional ducted system.

The key benefits of split-ductless systems include:

  • The units are extremely quiet – the inside room unit and the outside compressor unit are both whisper quiet.
  • The outside compressor has a smaller footprint than a traditional outdoor unit; it’s about the size of a small suitcase.
  • Energy Efficiency: traditional duct systems can shed 30% energy loss. If you purchase an ENERGY STAR split-ductless model, you could possibly save up to 30 percent on heating and cooling costs for that space in your home, and you may qualify for a federal tax credit and/or local utility incentives. Stashluk can help you determine if you qualify.
  • Ductless heating and cooling systems are great as a full-floor heating and cooling system. They work beautifully in large, open spaces like newer construction main living areas.
  • No ducts means less labor and lower construction costs!

Split-Ductless Systems are Prettier than Window AC Units

“One of the main concerns homeowners have about split-ductless systems is the aesthetics of having a wall-mounted unit in the living space. Our Stashluk air conditioning technicians understand these concerns and are skilled in ensuring installations that blend seamlessly with your interior. When compared to a loud, inconvenient window unit, the surprising quiet of the ductless system helps it fade into the background quickly. Consider radiators and baseboard heat. If you’ve lived with either of these, you know from experience that they become part of the home’s backdrop. In many ways, choosing to install a split-ductless system, especially with the expertise of Stashluk technicians, represents a small price to pay for enhanced comfort in your home.

Learn more about Split-Ductless System Installation. Call Stashluk!

Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of our family-owned business. When it comes to any HVAC installations or service needs, Stashluk is your local HVAC, plumbing and automatic standby generator expert. We can visit your home and evaluate your heating and cooling systems and recommend a solution that will improve the comfort of your home for everyone in the family.

We also offer annual inspection plans which can be a big money-saver by helping to discover problems with your home’s comfort system before it breaks down. We’ll keep an eye on your systems and clean and test them once a year so you can have peace of mind that everything is in top-top shape and always ready when you need it.

Give us a call at 908-277-6200.