Short Hills NJ Hot Water Heater

Short Hills NJ – How to Determine if Your Hot Water Heater Needs Stashluk

If you’re unsure about the age or condition of the hot water heater in your Short Hills home, there are several things to pay attention to that can help signal the status of the appliance. First of all, most hot water heater tanks have an operational lifespan of anywhere from 8 – 12 years. If you’re new to your home and were not responsible for its installation, you should inspect the data plate on the tank to see when it was manufactured. The installer might have also marked the tank when it was installed.

After you’ve found the date and know the age of the tank, another thing to consider is how much use your tank gets and also how many people lived in the home before your family moved in. If it was a family of four, you can expect that there was less demand on the tank. If it was a family of six or seven, you can assume the demand for hot water was fifty percent greater or more, which could have a negative impact on the lifespan of the tank.

Outside of noting age and prior use demands, what are the other observations can you make to discern whether a tank is working under stress or less efficiently than it did before, as well as how to head off disaster before it leaks and floods your basement?

Signs that your Short Hills NJ Hot Water Heater is in need of repair or replacement

It’s not unusual for a properly operating hot water tank to make a little noise, particularly if it’s powered by natural gas and you hear the accompanying “whoosh” when the burner fires on. But there are other sounds that could be signs of a tank that’s in need of a visit from an experienced plumbing technician from Stashluk.

  • If you notice that your hot water has a slightly rusty tint it could be a sign that the anode rod needs to be replaced or that there’s bacteria in the tank. These are issues that a home inspection by Stashluk will reveal. For example, replacing the anode rod will not only improve the performance of your tank, if you replace it every three years or so it could double the life of the tank or more. See this video.
  • When your tank makes odd rumbling sounds it could be attributed to a buildup of lime mineral deposits and calcium, as well as debris inside the tank. Your tank should periodically be flushed to clear out debris that collects on the bottom. A good flush can help improve the energy efficiency and performance of the tank.
  • If you turn on the shower one morning and find that you’ve lost hot water altogether, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach might not foretell the worst. It might only be a bad thermocouple that needs to be replaced, not a ruptured tank that has flooded your basement. Other repairable problems could be a malfunctioning thermostat or a pilot light that simply went out. Obviously if your lack of hot water is due to a significant tank leak or rupture, you need to act quickly to shut off the water and call Stashluk 24/7 to replace the tank.
  • Finally, if you notice moisture or a puddle of water around the base of the tank, that’s also a sign that you should call Stashluk right away before the small leak turns into something more damaging to your home.
Learn more about hot water heater repair and replacement!

Tank or tankless hot water heaters…which is best for my needs?

If you have an old tank hot water heater that needs replacement, the simplest and quickest way to get your hot water flowing again is to have Stashluk replace the old tank with a new one.

Whereas a new tank water heater can simply be placed in the same spot where the old one was, replacing with a tankless hot water heater requires more installation work to accommodate additional plumbing, including the gas line and the installation of a flue.

Stashluk is authorized to sell, service and repair the best hot water heater brands available, including Rheem and Bradford White, and we have the quality replacement parts to service all models, including those we don’t represent. If your hot water heater tank is a different brand, we can repair it and, if necessary, replace it with a modern, energy efficient hot water tank of the same brand if you prefer. We only recommend hot water units that will help you get a bigger bang for your energy dollars.

Tankless hot water heaters becoming popular; but are they practical?

Tankless hot water heaters are energy efficient and save floor space because they’re typically mounted to the wall. Stashluk can help you determine if a tankless system is right for your family based on your needs. For example, a tankless system heats the water on demand, meaning there is no burner turning on and off under the tank as hot water gets depleted. This makes tankless systems very efficient.

However, if the flow rate of the water heater can’t keep up with demand, such as when shower faucets and a clothes washer are running simultaneously, there is a greater chance that a tankless heater will not be able to keep up and produce enough hot water.

Longer-lasting tankless hot water heaters cost more to install.

A properly maintained tankless hot water system can outlast a tank hot water heater by an average of 5-10 years. The tankless system’s longevity can help offset the initial installation costs, which are significantly higher when compared to a tank. As explained earlier, however, if you were to replace the anode rod of your tank heater every three years this difference could possibly be eliminated.

Pros and cons of tank and tankless hot water heaters. Points to consider…

Before we get into differences, the main similarity shared by both systems is that they can run on natural gas, oil, propane or electricity.

Pros of tank hot water heaters:

  • Tank systems have been around for years and are a proven quantity
  • Fit easily with your home’s current heating fuel, plumbing or electric infrastructure
  • Upfront costs are easier on your budget
  • Emergency fresh water if needed


  • Increased chance of leakage and flooding
  • Once hot water is depleted, it takes longer to reheat the tank
  • External insulation should be added to curtail standby energy loss
  • Lifespan shorter than tankless systems

Pros of tankless hot water heaters:

  • More energy efficient
  • Saves floor space in tight areas
  • Hot water on demand
  • Longer lifespan
  • Longer warranties are typically available


  • Regular maintenance is required. Failure to maintain can shorten operational life
  • Upfront costs are higher, potentially outweighing long-term savings
  • Your home will likely require additional plumbing and electrical work to accommodate a tankless system

Stashluk carries the leading brands of hot water heater tanks and tankless systems.

Want to know more? Contact Stashluk.

Stashluk is your local factory-trained and authorized dealer, licensed and insured to sell, install and service most major brands of tank and tankless hot water heaters. We are also knowledgeable about fuel types, local building code requirements and safety issues. We can inspect your Short Hills NJ hot water heater and let you know whether it has life left in it, or if it’s a better idea to replace it with a new hot water tank or tankless system. If you haven’t followed a regular maintenance plan for your hot water heater, give us a call for a free estimate at (908) 277-6200. We also offer 24/7 Emergency Service.