AC Repair in Chatham NJ

AC Repair in Chatham NJ. Call the AC Repair Specialists at Stashluk.

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. That’s Murphy’s Law. When it comes to a summer heatwave, add “at the least opportune time” to the adage. That’s how the deck seems stacked against you when your central AC fails in the middle of a heat wave.

When central air conditioning systems break down, operate poorly or behave out of the ordinary, it’s important to call service technicians who know your system inside and out. For AC Repair in Chatham NJ, that company is Stashluk Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Generators.

With the heat bearing down, you want fast and reliable service to make your home cool again. Stashluk is here to provide you with:

  • Trained AC technicians who will respond quickly and do the job right the first time
  • Accurate diagnosis of the problem and fast access to replacement parts when needed
  • An efficient workflow and fine craftsmanship backed by more than 70 years of courteous, professional service.
Is your central air conditioning not working? Call Stashluk 24/7 for fast, friendly service (908) 277-6200.

Chatham NJ homeowners, which of the following central AC trouble signs are you experiencing?

Your AC unit isn’t cooling properly

  • A thermostat that’s improperly set can read the wrong temperature. Also, check that you haven’t accidentally switched your thermostat settings from “cool” to “fan”. Switched to “fan” the fan will blow air but the condenser will be shut off, so the air won’t be cooled as it circulates.
  • Check the condenser outside your home. Make sure the area is clear of dirt and debris. Your condenser needs room on all sides to effectively discharge heat.
  • Limited air flow could be a sign that your ductwork is leaking air or is constricted or clogged. Stashluk can clean and seal your air ducts and restore proper air flow.
  • Check your filter. Your air conditioner filter might be clogged with dust and dirt and is restricting air flow through your central AC unit. A clogged air filter can also make your unit work harder which can lead to higher energy bills and more stress on the system.

Your AC unit isn’t cooling or working at all

  • Check to see if your thermostat is working properly or simply needs new batteries. If none of these work it might need to be replaced. Ask Stashluk about installing a new smart thermostat which you can control from your smartphone, or we can install a suitable replacement without the Wi-Fi bells and whistles.
  • Electrical problems attributed to your fan and compressor controls might be worn out. Your Stashluk technician will be able to diagnose the culprit and make the necessary repairs to get your system back up and running.
  • Refrigerant leaks can be rare but they do happen. Your Stashluk technician can check for leaks and make repairs before restoring coolant to the system.

What kind of condition is your central air conditioning system in?

A well-maintained central AC system can last anywhere from 15-20 years or more. If you haven’t been particularly diligent about maintaining your unit the operating lifespan can be quite a bit shorter. It’s only natural to want everything to last as long as possible because it saves us money. However, if that old warhorse is still chugging along but breakdowns are becoming more frequent, your Stashluk technicians can help you find the right AC unit for your needs and your budget.

Changing out an ancient, poorly running central AC system that does a lousy job cooling your home—and is likely costing you way more money on your energy bills—could be the smart move in the near and long term. Newer units are consistently becoming more energy efficient yet still providing excellent cooling power for the comfort of your home and family.

In addition to AC repair in Chatham NJ Stashluk can keep your central AC in tip-top shape with annual inspections.

Your air conditioner is less likely to break down and use less energy if you keep it properly maintained. With a service plan we’ll come around once a year and ensure that your system is clean and running smoothly. Stashluk’s thorough inspections will catch problem areas early and allow us to make repairs before your system fails.

Choose Stashluk for your central AC repair in Chatham NJ.

With three generations of the same family providing more than six decades of outstanding service to the community, you can rely on our reputation and dedication to serving homeowners and commercial properties in the Chatham, NJ, area! Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of our family-owned business.

At Stashluk, we’re four seasons’ experts. We know everything there is to know about air conditioning, heating, plumbing, and automatic standby generators. Give us a call and we’ll ask you the right questions, assess your central AC problems and schedule a technician for your repairs. Call 908-277-6200 for AC repair in Chatham NJ.